Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Modals in Past Form
Modals are helping words that are used to express: (1)possibility, (2)ability, (3)degree of certainty, and (4) level of authority
   Kinds of modals such as:
      Can, could, may,might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, and would.
    are used in the past time.They are could, would, should, and might.

Formula of modals is:
Modals + verb 1 + O/C. Can be used in every tenses.

a.       Could is the past tense of can
The modal auxiliary could is used
*       -   To express an ability in the past:
   I could always beat you at tennis when we were kids.
*        - To express past or future permission:
   Could i bury my cat in your back yard?
*        - To express present possibility:
    We could always spend the afternoon just sitting around talking
 - To express possibility or ability in contingent circumstances :
   If he studied harder, he could pass this course.

*    When could is used in the past, it means was able to.
   I was able to find a parking space.

*     Would is the past tense of will
  The modal auxiliary would is used to express a reapeated action in the past
           When would is used in the past, it means “used to”, for example:
        When i was younger, I would run two hours every day.
       This means that i used to run two hours every day and now i don`t. to express more polite
        Would you (please) feed the dog?
- When would is used in the present, it show more polite.
*    For unreal condition
   Mary would go to the Caribbean, but she doesn`t have enough money.(present)
   Mary would have gone to the Carribbean, but she didn`t have money.(past tense)
*        Might is the past tense of may.Is used  to express of granting or seeking permission.
        Might, I leave class early?
*          -  To express future possibility.
        She might be my advisor next semester.
*          -  To express past possibility.
       Desty came late this morning, she might have missed the bus.
*      d. Should is the past tense of shall. Most commonly used to make recommendations or give advice. It can also be used to express obligation as well as ecpectation.
*      Example:
*      When you go to Berlin, you should visit the palaces in Postdam. (recommendation)
*      You should focus more on your family and less on work. (advice)
       i really should be in the office by 7:00 am. (obligation) 
 By now, they should already be in Dubai. (expectation)   
      Conversation :

     1.)  Chika : Hy eka....Are you busy?
*                 Eka    : No, i`m not busy...What`s happen?
*                Chika : Oh...Good..I want you help me...
                  Would you help me, please?
*                Eka    : Yes, why not...?What can I do for
*               Chika : Hmm...help me please...to clean my
                  garden now....
*               Eka    :  .No....I won`t.......
2.)  Chie : Don`t be sad Rizuki, Andre
                    might visit us on Saturday...
      Rizuki  : Really...? Oh,i`m so happy...
      Chie : Yups, of course...  
      Rizuki : Oh...I miss my nephew...I want
                    to meet him.    

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